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BigYellowKey News
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Imminent: 4/1/2016 4:05:00 PM
BYZ Development Points have been changed
Click Here for details.
The new BYZ Development Points (BYZ192) replace all previous BYZ Points which are now no longer available.

Released: 4/1/2016 3:05:00 PM
BYZ Annual Pass Now Available!
Click Here for details.
The BYZ Annual Pass replaces the BYZ addon subscription service.

Released: 4/1/2016 2:05:00 PM
The BYZ Terms and Conditions have been changed.
Click Here for details.

Apologies, but online Payments are temporary unavailable as we are in the process of changing our payment gateway.
Please contact us if you wish to place an order and we will organize a manual payment process for you.
We hope/expect online payments to be available again soon.


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Below is a list of software, displayed in the order that the first/earliest version of the module became available, ie the most recently created modules are shown at the top.

BYZ Annual Pass - BYZ191 BYZ Annual Pass - BYZ191
First Released on: 01-APR-2016
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ191 (version: 01/01-APR-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Access to all BigYellowZone modules/upgrades (some exclusions may apply)
All BigYellowZone software is included/available with this pass, but we reserve the right to exclude some modules. See our terms for more details.
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BYZ Development Points - BYZ192
First Released on: 01-APR-2016
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ192 (version: 01/01-APR-2016)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
BYZ Development Points (1 point equates to 1 hour of time).
1 Point per hour.
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Brand/Manufacturer Mismatches Tool for VPASP - BYZ189 Brand/Manufacturer Mismatches Tool for VPASP - BYZ189
First Released on: 05-MAR-2015
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ189 (version: 01/05-MAR-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Validate your product brands against your brand categories. If you hold your brands/manufacturers in your products records and also in your categories, then this tool will cross-validate the two aspects and show you any mis-matches.
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036
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Error Logging for ASP - BYZ188 Error Logging for ASP - BYZ188
First Released on: 20-FEB-2014
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ188 (version: 04/30-JUL-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Create detailed log files automatically every time a user on your site gets a 500 Server Error, and allow the site visitor to see a friendly customizable screen that indicates an error has occurred. The user will not see the full error, but the log files that you have access to via FTP will have a full stack with everything you need to know about what the user was doing at the time and what the error was and who the user was. You can also dump the stack from anywhere within your own ASP code.
Compatible with any classic asp system (generic asp, and any version of VPCart)
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Speed Tester for ASP - BYZ186 Speed Tester for ASP - BYZ186
First Released on: 13-OCT-2013
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ186 (version: 03/01-APR-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Check the precise time in tiny fractions of seconds that different elements of your system take to load a given page by using our Speed Tester. Also useful for general debugging/testing.
Compatible with any classic asp system (generic asp, and any version of VPCart)
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SQLServer Space-Clearer for VPASP - BYZ185 SQLServer Space-Clearer for VPASP - BYZ185
First Released on: 28-AUG-2013
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ185 (version: 01/28-AUG-2013)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Clean-out unusable space and help unfragment your tables to speed up your site and avoid space errors across the cart. ONLY relevant to VPASP sites that use a SQLServer database.
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036
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Enhanced Checkout For VPASP - BYZ176 Enhanced Checkout For VPASP - BYZ176
First Released on: 16-JUN-2013
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ176 (version: 08/15-JAN-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Enhanced Checkout For VPASP
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ025 BYZ177 BYZ044 This product does not include any sub-modules, you will need to get/buy those separately. This module is intended for BYZ Addon subscribers (those who have BYZ147). Although it is technically available by buying the individual modules without subscription if you wish, its not advised, as its more effective/cheaper to get subscription instead.
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Category Menu Generator for VPASP - BYZ181 Category Menu Generator for VPASP - BYZ181
First Released on: 27-DEC-2012
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ181 (version: 03/09-OCT-2014)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Generate category fly-out menus from admin, using your category data, so that your customer-side pages load instantly even when the full category tree is being shown as a fly-out and you have a large category tree, using an easy-to-tweak css file for the colors/fonts etc, and....NO JAVASCRIPT NEEDED/USED!
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ162 (only needed for VPASP V7 or above) This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ162
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Customer Statuses and Notes for VPASP - BYZ180 Customer Statuses and Notes for VPASP - BYZ180
First Released on: 22-JUL-2012
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ180 (version: 03/23-SEP-2013)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Enter and view customer notes and assign your customers a rating/code to see at a glance when an order needs special attention.
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025
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SlideShows For VPASP - BYZ179 SlideShows For VPASP - BYZ179
First Released on: 17-JUL-2012
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ179 (version: 04/20-DEC-2014)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Add slideshows to your home page, or side panels, or category pages, or any other pages, and maintain the slideshows and slides in an easy-to-use dedicated vpasp admin screen.
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ025 BYZ162 (only needed for VPASP V7). This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ025 BYZ162 (only needed for VPASP V7).
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Keep-Alive Sessions for ASP - BYZ177 Keep-Alive Sessions for ASP - BYZ177
First Released on: 11-JUN-2012
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ177 (version: 02/01-APR-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Avoid dropped-carts, abandoned sessions, customer side or admin side timeouts when users are idle on their browser - use this module so that your visitors and/or admin users do not lose their session. Fantastically easy to install, but a real life-saver for customers and admin users.
Compatible with any classic asp system (including the VPCart shopping cart; any version). No licensing submodule is included within this software as this software by its nature needs to be kept as simple as possible.
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Product Attributes from Features/Categories for VPASP - BYZ175 Product Attributes from Features/Categories for VPASP - BYZ175
First Released on: 01-FEB-2012
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ175 (version: 02/26-AUG-2014)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Product Attributes from Features/Categories for VPASP
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025
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Tag Cloud (Word Cloud) Generator/Display for VPASP - BYZ174 Tag Cloud (Word Cloud) Generator/Display for VPASP - BYZ174
First Released on: 06-JUN-2011
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ174 (version: 02/27-NOV-2011)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Generate and display word clouds (tag clouds) for your vpasp products and/or for your top selling products.
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ025 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ025
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NewsLetter (MailShot/MailList) Customer Export for VPASP - BYZ172 NewsLetter (MailShot/MailList) Customer Export for VPASP - BYZ172
First Released on: 21-APR-2011
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ172 (version: 01/21-APR-2011)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Export the people who are signed up to your mail-list out to an excel file. Also allows you to export non-maillist customers (eg people who have bought certain products etc). (only compatible with VPASP V7)
Compatible with VPASP V7 only. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036
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Email Review Reminders For VPASP - BYZ171 Email Review Reminders For VPASP - BYZ171
First Released on: 22-MAR-2011
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ171 (version: 04/18-AUG-2011)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Send emails to customers who have placed orders, asking them to write reviews for the items that they purchased, all via a simple admin screen.
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For VPASP - BYZ169 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For VPASP - BYZ169
First Released on: 08-JAN-2011
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ169 (version: 03/19-NOV-2012)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For VPASP
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025
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MultiBuy Discounts for VPCart - BYZ168 MultiBuy Discounts for VPCart - BYZ168
First Released on: 21-DEC-2010
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ168 (version: 02/16-SEP-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
MultiBuy Discounts for VPCart, buy-1-get-1-free, 3-for-2 etc - create discount shelves with different options and put whatever products you want on them.
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036
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Customized Tabs for VPCart - BYZ166 Customized Tabs for VPCart - BYZ166
First Released on: 26-OCT-2010
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ166 (version: 06/17-SEP-2015)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This allows you to easily add your own product tabs to your product detail pages.
Compatible with VPCart V7 to V8. Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ025
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Testimonials for VPASP - BYZ066 Testimonials for VPASP - BYZ066
First Released on: 24-AUG-2010
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ066 (version: 05/08-SEP-2012)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
Allow your customers to send you testimonials, which you can approve for publishing on your site in a testimonials page and/or in a side-panel of sample testimonials.
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7 Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ162 (needed for VPASP V7 only) This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036 BYZ033 BYZ162
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Link and Source Corrector for VP-ASP - BYZ165 Link and Source Corrector for VP-ASP - BYZ165
First Released on: 19-JUL-2010
Current/Latest version:
Product Code: BYZ165 (version: 01/19-JUL-2010)
From vendor: Big Yellow Zone
This time saving utility allows you to perform bulk/automated corrections on embedded image/link sources within your html (memo) fields.
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7 Before installing, you must have installed: BYZ038 BYZ036 This product includes: BYZ038 BYZ036
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