Version Date
Release Notes
Initial version - Content Management Enhancements for VP-ASP |
Changed the breadcrumbs to use a variable (config option) column.
Files effected:
byz_cms_$config.asp |
Changed documentation/logic/config-options to cater for VP-ASP V5.5.
Files effected:
byz_cms_$config.asp |
Changed to avoid conflicts with some other BYZ Addons (feeds, and sitemap generators).
Files effected:
byz_cms_system.asp |
Clarified installation/usage instructions.
Changed shopfileio logic to use new variable include to cater for V6.5.
Upgraded BYZ038 (Licensing) module to cater for VP-ASP V6.5.
Files effected:
README.htm (changed file)
byz110_install.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_$template_vpasp.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_createfile.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_sample_aboutus.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_sample_combined.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_sample_privacy.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_sample_shipping.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_sample_shipping_panel.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_sample_valuesonly.asp (changed file) |
Changed to cater for a generic sqlserver bug: whenever referencing a sqlserver text column in a cursor it then blanks-out that value in the cursor; this software has now been changed to cater for that sqlserver bug.
Files effected:
byz_cms_inc.asp |
Changed to cater for multiple directories (BYZ027) so that users of BYZ027 can create content files in any directory.
Files effected:
README.htm (changed file)
byz110_install.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_$config.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_$template_vpasp.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_createfile.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_relative_inc.asp (new file) |
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V07 to V08).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V02 to V04).
Changed instructions to be compatible with licensing notes.
Changed dynamic header (title, keywords, meta-description) to be setup in a different/new config file (ie split-out from the main include) and changed corresponding configuration option.
(changed xbyz_cms_filecreation_content_columnname default setting from other1 to other2 to avoid conflicts with keywords which normally use other1).
Changed vpasp template and samples to define missing global variables to avoid errors when translating languages on the dynamic headers.
Files effected:
byz110_install.asp (deleted file)
README.htm (changed file)
byz_cms_$config.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_$config_dynamic_headers.asp (new file)
byz_cms_$template_vpasp.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_sample* (changed files) |
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V08 to V09).
Changed loggedin contents field to be processed/checked explicitly as a boolean value, taking into account different database types and definitions/values, so that contents which are not supposed to be shown for non-loggedin users arent shown unless theyre logged in.
Files effected:
README.htm (changed file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file) |
Added BYZ143/01 Module.
Changed to cater for the new version of BYZ027 (BYZ027/07) for those who use the Multiple Directory Addon. If upgrading BYZ110 to V10 or later, and you use BYZ027, make sure you upgrade BYZ027 to V07 or later first.
Files effected:
README.htm (changed file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_$template_vpasp.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_relative_inc.asp (deleted file) |
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V09 to V10).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V04 to V05).
Upgraded BYZ143 (from V01 to V02).
Created version file for reference/info.
Files effected:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$110_version.asp (new file)
byz_cms_$template_vpasp.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file) |
More changes to avoid conflicts with some other BYZ Addons (feeds, and sitemap generators).
Files effected:
README.htm (changed file)
README_history.htm (changed file)
README_installation.htm (changedfile)
README_usage.htm (changed file)
byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_$config_dynamic_headers.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_createfile.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_system.asp (changed file) |
Enhanced to cater for SQLServer Bugs in some additional places (referencing text/ntext, ie memo fields within cursors).
Changed dynamic tag derivation function to add a (commented-out) call to the generic content tag setup process if the site owner wants to use that instead of the dedicated BYZ110 tag logic.
Changed breadcrumbs to default from message instead of messagetype.
Split breadcrumbs display into separate config file/function and changed its class/html.
Files effected:
README.htm (changed file)
README_history.htm (changed file)
README_installation.htm changed file)
README_usage.htm (changed file)
byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_$config.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_$config_breadcrumbs.asp (new file)
byz_cms_$config_dynamic_headers.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file) |
Added includes to allow the standard [Add_randomproducts] template field to be usable/callable for generated static content files.
Files effected:
README.htm (changed file)
README_history.htm (changed file)
README_installation.htm (changedfile)
README_usage.htm (changed file)
byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_$template_vpasp.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_sample* (changed files) |
Added a new suite of admin screens (Content File Manager) to allow quick/easy bulk-update of content file data and bulk-file-creation for content files.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
byz_cms_admin_menu.asp (new file)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk.asp (new file)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (new file)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (new file)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (new file)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (new file)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file) |
Changed to be compatible with VPASP V7.
Added automatic static content folder creation option to Content File Manager (this enhancement is only available for VPASP V7, and only relevant if youre using BYZ027).
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V10 to V12).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V05 to V07).
Upgraded BYZ143 (from V02 to V03).
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$110_version.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_$config_dynamic_headers.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_inc.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_inc_fun.asp (new file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_inc_vars.asp (new file; all vpasp versions)
(vpasp v7 files completely restructured/rewritten based loosely on the 6.5 files) |
Added new config option for static file creation to allow an option of either using the messagetype or the contentid for the argument/call. This is needed for when you have unsafe words (such as union or select inside your content.messagetype column).
Also added breadcrumbs and impressions config options for static file creation.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$110_version.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_inc_vars.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_$config.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_$template_vpasp.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_createfile.asp (changed file; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
admin/byz_cms_createfile.asp (changed file; for vpasp v7 and above)
admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file; for vpasp v7 and above)
admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file; for vpasp v7 and above) |
Changed to cater for SqlServer text/ntext bugs (where cursors get blanked out).
Changed folder/file logic for calculating the urls and physical files etc.
Added extra option to be able to display only the records with errors on the filenames in the edit-filenames screen.
Added maximum number of records to display as parameters.
Added folder creation stage for VPASP V6.5 or below (only relevant/usable if BYZ027 is installed).
The create-file link has been taken out of the edit-content admin screen as the content file manager is now to be used instead of manually creating content files from the edit-content admin screen.
Added redirection options (301, or canonical urls, or none) from non-static content files to static files.
Added the BYZ162 module (relevant to VPASP V7 or above only)
If upgrading from a previous version, please backup your original installation and then uninstall this module and re-install it again using the latest files/notes.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$110_version.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_$config.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_$template_vpasp.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_admin_menu.asp (changed file; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_inc_vars.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_inc_fun.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_redirection_shopcontent_inc.asp (new file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_redirection_inc.asp (new file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_createfile.asp (deleted file; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (new file; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_inc.asp (file deleted; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_panels_inc.asp (new file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_sample* (files deleted; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
byz_cms_tmp_sample_panel.htm (file deleted; for vpasp v6.5 and below)
admin/byz_cms_createfile.asp (deleted file; for vpasp v7 and above)
admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file; for vpasp v7 and above)
admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file; for vpasp v7 and above)
admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file; for vpasp v7 and above)
admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file; for vpasp v7 and above)
admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file; for vpasp v7 and above) |
Corrected the variable declaration file for the vpasp v6.5 and below file (was missing 2 variables and causing undefined variable errors).
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$110_version.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_inc_vars.asp (changed file; for vpasp v6.5 and below) |
Changed the file manager screens to ignore hidden content records.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file) |
Added extra redirection logic so that static urls can be changed, and the old static file will redirect (or use a canonical tag depending on your config options) to the corresponding new static url.
Upgraded BYZ162 (from V01 to V02).
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$110_version.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_cms_redirection_inc.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions) |
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V12 to V13).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V07 to V08).
Upgraded BYZ162 (from V02 to V03).
Changed file/folder encoding to deal better with special characters (eg to return terms-and-conditions.asp instead of terms-conditions.asp by replacing ampersands with and etc)
Added new config option (xbyz_cms_admin_extra_where_clause) so that you can specify a where clause indicating which content records to use on the Content File Manager screens (for example you can use this to ignore the home page content record).
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_$config.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_admin_$configencoding.asp (new file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_admin_fun_encode_file.asp (new file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_admin_fun_encode_folder.asp (new file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_admin_menu.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_inc_vars.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_system.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cms_$config.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cms_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cms_inc_vars.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cms_system.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_admin_$configencoding.asp (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_admin_fun_encode_file.asp (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_admin_fun_encode_folder.asp (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_admin_menu.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file) |
Changed the function which checks the static file exists to use a more efficient method.
Changed the function which gets the column values/names for a given query to use the BYZ method instead of the generic VPASP method as some versions of VPASP have bugs in the GetFieldValues logic.
Changed the admin screens to use the generic BYZ cursor opening/closing functions to help avoid cursors getting blanked-out with 8k/memo (text/ntext) bugs.
Added an extra optional step on the installation notes explaining how to create an index on the filename column to help speed up the admin screens, and a new step for how to relabel the filename field on the edit-content screen, and an extra step to avoid the static url from being copied/set via the edit-content screen.
Added extra notes to explain Ongoing Maintenance on the usage notes.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V13 to V14).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V08 to V09).
Upgraded BYZ162 (from V03 to V04).
Please Note: If upgrading from a previous version of BYZ110, you must make sure you are using V14 or above of BYZ038 before upgrading to BYZ110 V23 or above.
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cms_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_editdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_filecreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_foldercreate.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_setdata.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cms_createfiles_bulk_valdata.asp (changed file) |
Changed more functions to use the generic BYZ cursor opening/closing functions to help avoid cursors getting blanked-out with 8k/memo (text/ntext) bugs and to use less memory.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V14 to V15).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V09 to V10).
Upgraded BYZ162 (from V04 to V05).
Files effected:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.5andbelow/byz_cms_redirection_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$110_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cms_inc_fun.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cms_redirection_inc.asp (changed file) |
Changed to use the new BYZ038 functions where appropriate.
Split out some admin screen logic into separate files to allow for easier maintenance when dealing with vpasp version-specific differences.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V15 to V31).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V10 to V18).
Upgraded BYZ143 (from V03 to V05).
Upgraded BYZ162 (from V05 to V10).
Enhanced/changed to cater for VPCart V8.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Created new config option and changed file-generation logic so that the static files can be created as UTF-8 files instead of the default ANSI encoding.
For a full list of effected files, see the history readme file that comes with this modules zip file. |