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Predictive Searches for VP-ASP - BYZ161

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Creates a google-style predictive search field to your site so that customers can get preliminary search results while they type in their search text.

Predictive Searches for VP-ASP - BYZ161
Latest version:12/24-JUN-2013
From vendor:Big Yellow Zone
For Terms and Conditions, click here
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone
products/services or request technical
support until you have read and agree with
the terms and conditions.
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Compatibility, Bundling, and Status Notes:
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7
Before installing, you must have installed:
This product includes:

(click on a link below to see the corresponding demo/sample)
Demo System Our demo area is loaded with most of the SEO modules, BYZ110 for static content pages, BYZ163 for static product-detail pages, BYZ164 for static category pages, BYZ116 for enhanced searching/paging, BYZ121 for related-categories on search results, BYZ158 for the browsable sitemap, BYZ161 for predictive search on the search mini-form at the top.
The Cheese and Wine Shop Live/Real Site Example
Rain Harvest Systems Live/Real Site Example

What is a "predictive search" ? Well, it's what google does when you go to and start typing something into the search box - google gives you a list of candidates for what you're typing in while you're typing it in, which allows you to refine your search as you're typing and gives you an idea of what kind of searches you might want to try.

This module does the same kind of thing but for your products, so that while a customer is typing in their search keyword it'll show them the results in a very small overlaying section which changes as they're typing their keyword in.

It's only when you and your customers start using it that you'll realise just how useful it is to have on your site, and how much easier it makes it for your customers to find what they're after. It saves your customers masses of time because they don't need to wait for a whole page to load before they get a result.

It's one of those things that looks very simple, but changes (for the better) the whole way that people try to find things. Customers are much more likely to stay on your site if they can see quickly if what they're after is for sale on your site.

Technical/Developer Information:
The display/formatting of the overlaying section (ie the results of the predictive search), and the query logic that it uses, are both in separate files and are easy to tweak.

By default it will use the same keyword criteria and sorting as your shopdisplayproducts.asp page would use when actually performing a keyword search, although you can change the predictive search to do a different query/sort if you want without effecting the full/normal search.

The maximum number of records that it shows on the predictive results block (which is 5 by default) can be changed during installation as it's an argument on the "show search form" function that you paste into your header file when installing.

If you're also using BYZ116 (V11 or later) then you can enable "intelligent" mode on the predictive search to improve the search logic from the standard vpasp search (ie which splits up the words from the entered text-string and constructs an intelligent search using those words).

Also allows you to do keyword searches on sub-products, and for multiple languages (translateproducts).

See also: How can I improve the keyword/text search results from my search miniform?

This module is also very easy to install.

Terms and Conditions:
For terms, conditions, and licensing information for all BigYellowZone products/services, please click here.
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone products/services or request technical support until you have read and agree with the terms and conditions.

For further information from the vendor about this product, please visit:

Full Version History:
VerNo Version Date Release Notes
01 15-OCT-2009 Initial version - Big Yellow Zone Predictive Searches for VP-ASP
02 13-NOV-2009 Changed the product search query to only select columns that are used within the display, and added relevant comments to the corresponding places in the code. This is done because a select * takes a lot longer and uses up a lot more memory than selecting just a handful of relevant columns, however this is only noticeable with a large number of records.
Changed files to stop html warnings/errors when validating against HTML validators.
Changed results display to strip html tags out of the description.
Effected files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$161_version.asp (changed file)
byz_pes_form_home.asp (changed file)
byz_pes_js.asp (changed file)
byz_pes_results_displays.asp (changed file)
byz_pes_results_queries.asp (changed file)
03 26-NOV-2009 Changed counting logic to use CLng instead of CInt to avoid overflow errors when very large number of records are retrieved.
Effected files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$161_version.asp (changed file)
byz_pes_results.asp (changed file)
04 08-DEC-2009 Changed to cater for special characters in search string by using encoding.
Added autocomplete=off for the search field so that browsers dont use the default browser auto-fill/complete popup which was obscuring the predictive search popup.
Effected files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$161_version.asp (changed file)
byz_pes_form_admin.asp (changed file)
byz_pes_form_home.asp (changed file)
byz_pes_js.asp (changed file)
05 25-JAN-2010 Changed installation notes and program files to cater for VPASP V7.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V10 to V11)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V05 to V06)
Effected files:
README.htm (changed file)
README_history.htm (new file)
README_installation65.htm (new file)
README_installation7.htm (new file)
byz$161_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)

V7 Files Only:
byz_pes_css.asp (changed file for vpaspv7+ only)
byz_pes_results.asp (changed file for vpaspv7+ only)
byz_pes_results_queries.asp (changed file for vpaspv7+ only)
06 06-FEB-2010 Changed to cater for situations where clicking on product tabs were causing the url of the whole page to change to the home page; this was due to a conflict in the onclick event triggers on VPASP V7.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V11 to V12)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V06 to V07)
Effected files:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$161_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)

V7 Files Only:
byz_pes_js.asp (changed file for vpaspv7+ only)
07 14-APR-2010 Deleted the magnifying glass icon/call.
Made the keyword search field shorter.
Added extra options to allow for intelligent keyword searches (you need to also have BYZ116 V11 or above to enable intelligent keyword searches, the default keyword search for BYZ161 is standard (non-intelligent) vpasp keyword searches).
If upgrading from a previous version, please note that the byz_pes_vars_inc.asp file has to be included in your byz_sys_global_vars_inc.asp file (see installation notes for more info).
Effected files:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$161_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_$config.asp (new file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_inc.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_form_home.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_results.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_results_queries.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_results_queries_keywords.asp (new file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_search.png (deleted file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_vars_inc.asp (new file for all vpasp versions)
08 08-JUL-2010 Added extra config options and generated a more specific query so that site owners dont need to manually tweak the byz_pes_results_queries.asp and byz_pes_results_displays.asp files.
Effected files:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$161_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_$config.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_vars_inc.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_results_queries.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
09 18-JUL-2010 Changed keyword-splitting logic to treat commas in the search string like spaces.
Effected files:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$161_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_results_queries_keywords.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
10 27-MAR-2011 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V12 to V13)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V07 to V08)
Changed product match and customer match logic.
Centralised category and product core query restrictions.
NOTE: To upgrade to V10 or later of BYZ161, you must ensure youre using BYZ038 V13 or above first.
Effected files:
README*.htm (changed files)
byz$161_version.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
byz_pes_results_queries.asp (changed file for all vpasp versions)
11 01-FEB-2012 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V13 to V15)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V08 to V10)
Changed the display of the products in the popup to deal with situations where the product description (cdescription) value is blank.
Effected files:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$161_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_results_displays.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz$161_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_results_displays.asp (changed file)
12 24-JUN-2013 Added compatibility for multiple languages so that keyword searches can use the translateproducts table.
Added compatibility for sub-products so that keyword searches can search underlying sub-products as well as the main (parent) products.
Changed the css and javascript to be included files on the html-output rather than embedded/inline (to help minimise page size and so that they can be cached which also helps SEO).
Got rid of the admin predictive-search code/css as it was unused/irrelevant.
Changed to use new BYZ038 functions where appropriate.
Added live version/upgrade checks to the documentation documents.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V15 to V26)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V10 to V16)
NOTE: You must be using BYZ038 V26 or above before upgrading to BYZ161 V12 or above.
Effected files:
README*.htm (changed files)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$161_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_$config.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_css.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_css_001.css (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_form_admin.asp (deleted file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_form_home.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_js.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_js_001.js (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_results.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_results_displays.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_results_queries.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_results_queries_keywords.asp (deleted file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_system.asp (deleted file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_pes_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz$161_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_$config.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_css.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_css_001.css (new file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_form_admin.asp (deleted file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_form_home.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_js.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_js_001.js (new file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_results.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_results_displays.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_results_queries.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_results_queries_keywords.asp (deleted file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_system.asp (deleted file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_pes_vars_inc.asp (changed file)