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Missing Image Reporting for VPCart - BYZ068

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This VPCart Admin tool will query your products and categories and show you products and categories where the image columns (cimageurl and/or extendedimage and/or catimage etc) have blank values or where they point to non-existent/physically-missing files.

Missing Image Reporting for VPCart - BYZ068
Latest version:09/27-NOV-2016
From vendor:Big Yellow Zone
For Terms and Conditions, click here
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone
products/services or request technical
support until you have read and agree with
the terms and conditions.
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Compatibility, Bundling, and Status Notes:
Compatible with VPCart V4.5 to V8
Before installing, you must have installed:

This product includes:

It's a new VPCart Admin page that easily bolts into your Admin Menu - a very handy addon if your VPCart database has more than just a handful of products or categories in it.

From the results page you can click on the link for each product or category and edit the product's/category's details to correct/change the image values.

Allows you to configure checks for any image columns you want on your products and categories tables.

Technical/Developer Information:
The configuration file will allow you to specify any products and categories columns that you like to check for image URLs.
For each column that you configure to do a check for, you can specify:
1) Check if the column on the products/categories table is blank (ie Image URL is not specified).
2) If the column is not blank, then check if the image physically exists on the server (ie to see if it's an incorrect filename or deleted file)

Columns shown on the errors-found block (for products) :
1) Product Catalogid (linked to edit-product screen for each record)
2) Product Code (CCode)
3) Product Name (Cname)
4) Product Hidden Flag (displayed as a tick-box)
5) Errors Found Text
6) The values in your configured list of image columns as appropriate.

Columns shown on the errors-found block (for categories) :
1) CategoryID (linked to edit-category screen for each record)
2) Category Description (catdescription)
3) Category Hidden Flag (displayed as a tick-box)
4) Errors Found Text
5) The values in your configured list of image columns as appropriate.

Terms and Conditions:
For terms, conditions, and licensing information for all BigYellowZone products/services, please click here.
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone products/services or request technical support until you have read and agree with the terms and conditions.

Full Version History:
VerNo Version Date Release Notes
01 06-JAN-2005 Initial version - Big Yellow Zone Missing Image Reporting For VP-ASP
02 21-FEB-2006 Changed documentation to be compatible with VP-ASP V6.
Files changed:
03 03-AUG-2007 Upgraded BYZ038 (Licensing) module to cater for VP-ASP V6.5.
Effected files:
04 04-APR-2009 Upgraded BYZ036 (from V02 to V05)
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V07 to V10)
Added version control file.
Changed to use the relevant product database (shopopendatabaseP).
Changed to use less memory by rediming the product arrays.
Effected files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz068_install.asp (deleted file)
byz$068_version.asp (new file)
byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file)
05 13-MAY-2010 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V10 to V12)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V05 to V07)
Made compatible with VPASP V7 and general tidy-up of reporting screen.
Added timeout setting for database connection to avoid sql cursor timeouts.
Effected files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$068_version.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
06 04-OCT-2010 Added extra logic to cater for more permutations of xmysite and image data values as some instances were causing incorrect results. Also tidied-up the html.
Effected files:
README.htm (changed file)
byz$068_version.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file; all vpasp versions)
07 22-AUG-2014 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V12 to V29)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V07 to V17)
Added extra config options so that you can specify as many different image columns to check as you like.
Added extra screen/menu and config options to check for missing category images.
Changed query to use less memory and to speed it up.
Changed the file-existence check to be more efficient.
Added running-dots to the results block to avoid script/session timeouts.
Improved look/feel/styles of admin screen.
Changed to use BYZ038 functions where available.
Split documentation files out into separate sub-files and added version checker etc.
Please Note: You must be using V29 or later of BYZ038 before upgrading to V07 or later of BYZ068.
Please Note: You must be using V17 or later of BYZ036 before upgrading to V07 or later of BYZ068.
Effected files:
README* (changed/new files)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$068_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_mir_$config.asp (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_mir_fun_inc.asp (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_mir_styles.css (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_mir_vars_inc.asp (new file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_missingimagereportcat.asp (new file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz$068_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_mir_$config.asp (new file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_mir_fun_inc.asp (new file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_mir_styles.css (new file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_mir_vars_inc.asp (new file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_missingimagereportcat.asp (new file)
08 28-AUG-2014 Added extra config options and changed the screens/checks so that you can specify if you want to report on hidden, non-hidden, or all products/categories, and added a hidden checkbox on the results blocks to indicate if the product/category with the error is a hidden one.
Effected files:
README* (changed/new files)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$068_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_mir_$config.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_mir_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_mir_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_missingimagereportcat.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz$068_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_mir_$config.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_mir_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_mir_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file)
vpaspv65andbelow/byz_missingimagereportcat.asp (changed file)
09 27-NOV-2016 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V29 to V35)
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V17 to V19)
Changed the license/terms/conditions that relate to all BigYellowZone software/services.
Changed instances of VP-ASP/VPASP to VPCart as VPASP has now been rebranded/renamed.
Tested and approved for compatibility with VPCart V8.
Added extra logic to catch image values which have characters in them such as spaces or brackets or commas that would cause the find-path function to fail (previously these files would cause an asp error and you wouldnt know which file was causing the error).
Effected files:
README* (changed files)
vpcartv7andabove/byz$068_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_mir_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_mir_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_mir_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file)
vpcartv7andabove/byz_missingimagereportcat.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz$068_version.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_mir_$config.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_mir_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_mir_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_missingimagereport.asp (changed file)
vpcartv65andbelow/byz_missingimagereportcat.asp (changed file)