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Enhanced Checkout For VPASP - BYZ176

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Enhanced Checkout For VPASP

Enhanced Checkout For VPASP - BYZ176
Latest version:08/15-JAN-2015
From vendor:Big Yellow Zone
For Terms and Conditions, click here
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products/services or request technical
support until you have read and agree with
the terms and conditions.
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Compatibility, Bundling, and Status Notes:
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7.
Before installing, you must have installed:

This product does not include any sub-modules, you will need to get/buy those separately. This module is intended for BYZ Addon subscribers (those who have BYZ147). Although it is technically available by buying the individual modules without subscription if you wish, its not advised, as its more effective/cheaper to get subscription instead.

(click on a link below to see the corresponding demo/sample)
Demo System Click on the "Demo System" link, then add a product to your cart and then go to the checkout and then you can see how this works.
Please note that the checkout is highly configurable, and that the demo is only showing you one permutation of how it can be configured.

This checkout brings together various separate checkout processes into a single/simple screen, where your customer only sees options that are relevant to what they've already chosen/entered and where they can simply fill in the form in one go without having to post the entire screen to perform validation of each block etc.

For example, as soon as you type in a coupon code, it will automatically be validated and a corresponding message will be displayed next to it showing the discount/explanation for the coupon (or an error message if the user typed in the wrong code).

Login/Password-Reminder are all part of the same screen, and you don't need to register as a separate process. The demo system that we've setup linked from above gives you a sample login so that you can see how the login/new-customer/pwd-reminder works.

Technical/Developer Information:
Features include:
  • Configurable fields (show/hide, mandatory/non-mandatory, labels etc)
  • Configurable "blocks" (eg certain blocks can be turned on/off)
  • Collection and/or Delivery option
  • Multiple Collect-From Store Locations when using Collection Option
  • Deliver to billing address or to separate address options
  • Collection/Delivey Calender/TimeSlots option
  • Substitution options
  • Gift Message options
  • Compatible with standard VPASP Shipping Methods
  • UPS RealTime Option
  • USPS RealTime Option
  • Shipping Method/Prices logic easily customizable
  • Login and Password Reminder built-in to the checkout
  • Dynamic Shipping Methods/Prices Shown
  • Ajax-based screen - the various aspects of the screen are processed at relevant times as the user chooses their options and fills in the fields, eg there's no need to post the entire screen before getting the list of available shipping methods/prices for the address.
  • Cart/totals display
  • Multiple-Language Compatible

Terms and Conditions:
For terms, conditions, and licensing information for all BigYellowZone products/services, please click here.
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone products/services or request technical support until you have read and agree with the terms and conditions.

Full Version History:
VerNo Version Date Release Notes
01 16-JUN-2013 Initial version - Big Yellow Zone Enhanced Checkout For VPASP
02 03-AUG-2013 Made multiple-language compatible.
Changed the cart-empty check to a different part of the posting process to avoid errors on the collection addresses functions.
Changed displays and validation messages etc to use language settings rather than hard-coding text in the corresponding files.
Added a language-load admin process/screen for the checkout language settings so that checkout language settings can easily be changed by editing an excel file (supplied) and then re-importing/re-setting.
Added extra options for collection addresses logic.
Changed csv array processing to use latest version of BYZ038.
PLEASE NOTE: If upgrading from an earlier version of BYZ176, please make sure you that youre using the latest version of BYZ038 first, and then follow the language loading steps/notes in the new BYZ176 installation readme files.
For full list of effected files, see the version history notes that come with the zip.
03 02-SEP-2013 Fixed a bug on the admin checkout language-load screen and generally enhanced it to cater better for null caption values and other null fields in the excel sheet.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
vpaspv4.5to6.5/byz$176_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv4.5to6.5/byz_chk_admin_languages.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$176_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_chk_admin_languages.asp (changed file)
04 28-SEP-2013 Enhanced the collection options by creating a new store locations table and a collection/delivery flag and store id on the orders.
Centralised the collect-from/deliver-to block formatting across the cart when orders are displayed/emailed.
Changed the order of the blocks on the checkout so that the collection calendar comes below the store-selection block instead of above it.
Corrected the shipping method price display on the checkout which was previously html-encoding the currency value when it should not have been.
Changed the cart processing so that when weights arent being used for products/features on the site it doesnt fail when the weight column is null/invalid.
Added code to deal with the generic vpasp pricerange and fixed shipping methods.

PLEASE NOTE: If upgrading from an earlier version of BYZ176, please make sure you that youre using the latest version of BYZ038 first, then make sure youre using the latest version of BYZ033, and then follow the language loading steps/notes in the BYZ176 installation readme files if youre using BYZ176 V01, then upload byz176_prepare.asp to your vpasp admin folder and login to admin and browse it, press the go button, then delete it, then add the Store Locations admin screen and grant-out access rights to it (and the table) and check/change the Store Locations data as per the installation notes, then upload the new/changed BYZ176 files to your site, then add the template includes (byz_template_codes_functions_chk.asp and byz_template_codes_codes_chk.asp) to the relevant files as per the installation notes, then follow the Implement the new Order-Formatting across the cart steps as per the installation notes.
For full list of effected files, see the version history notes that come with the zip.
05 27-SEP-2014 Added extra logic to be able to deal with purchasing a Gift Certificate.
Added the error messages to the bottom of the block (in the continue-button block) so that theyre re-iterated at the bottom as well as in the relevant blocks.
PLEASE NOTE: Before upgrading to the latest version of BYZ176, please first make sure that youre using the latest versions of BYZ038, BYZ036, BYZ033, BYZ025, BYZ177, and BYZ044, and backup all relevant files before upgrading.
PLEASE NOTE: After upgrading please make sure that you test the checkout again, especially the purchase of Gift Certificates.
PLEASE NOTE: If upgrading, there is a new/additional Go Live step that you will need to do from the installation notes (to deal with Gift Certificate Purchases), and there are also new/additional steps in the documentation regarding testing where you may need to fix the bugs in your generic gift files.
For full list of effected files, see the version history notes that come with the zip.
06 04-OCT-2014 Added orderid argument to the delivery-block-html functions so that they can be customized without having to change all their calls etc.
Added Gift Message to the delivery block where Gift Message has been enabled (that Gift Message does not relate to Gift Certificates, it relates to a physical delivery Gift Message).
For full list of effected files, see the version history notes that come with the zip.
07 18-NOV-2014 Added check for minimum/maximum order amounts.
Corrected the calculations/logic for the pricerange generic vpasp shipping method.
Changed the logic that works out which fields (last name, email, userid, password) to use for the login fields to deal with more permutations of VPASP login-related config settings.
Added a new config option to say whether or not the [click here to logout and start as new user] block shows up when youre logged in.
Created new config files which format field and block-heading labels (eg adding an asterisk to mandatory fields/blocks etc) so that you can change the general field/block label formatting in a central function/file.
Added extra languages to the checkout language excel files (these 2 excel files are only used for the initial installation) so that its compatible with more languages.
For full list of effected files, see the version history notes that come with the zip.
08 15-JAN-2015 Added Vat Number validation/logic.
For full list of effected files, see the version history notes that come with the zip.