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Customer Statuses and Notes for VPASP - BYZ180

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Enter and view customer notes and assign your customers a rating/code to see at a glance when an order needs special attention.

Customer Statuses and Notes for VPASP - BYZ180
Latest version:03/23-SEP-2013
From vendor:Big Yellow Zone
For Terms and Conditions, click here
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone
products/services or request technical
support until you have read and agree with
the terms and conditions.
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Compatibility, Bundling, and Status Notes:
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7.
Before installing, you must have installed:

This product includes:

(click on a link below to see the corresponding demo/sample)
View-Orders - example of customer status icons
View-Orders - edit status/notes ajax "popup"
View-Orders - mouse-over status notes
Edit-Customer Details icon/fields

On the view-orders screen it's very useful to have a kind of traffic-light system to indicate which of your customers need special attention, and where you can enter/view notes for that customer, and this module does exactly that.

There are several reasons why you might need to give your order-processing staff a heads-up on the orders from certain customers.

You might want to highlight customers who have special packaging or delivery needs, or customers who need looking-after as they're very good/repeat customers, or maybe a customer has had problems with their card being declined in the past.

Technical/Developer Information:
This module allows you to view the customer notes by simply running the mouse cursor over the icon for the customer (as well as seeing the "traffic light" icons directly), and it also allows you to easily edit the customer notes/status on the view-orders screen via an ajax "popup" by clicking on the icon without leaving the screen. When you save your changes on the "popup", the corresponding underlying view-orders icons/mouse-over-text for that customer also changes automatically.

Terms and Conditions:
For terms, conditions, and licensing information for all BigYellowZone products/services, please click here.
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone products/services or request technical support until you have read and agree with the terms and conditions.

Full Version History:
VerNo Version Date Release Notes
01 22-JUL-2012 Initial version - Big Yellow Zone Customer Statuses and Notes For VPASP
02 13-SEP-2013 Changed the function that generates the view-orders admin screens query so that it uses much more efficient logic.
This should have a substantial effect on increasing the speed of your view-orders screen.
Please make sure that your BYZ038 module is up to date as the tuning effect will be more apparent once BYZ038 is also up to date on your site.
Upgraded BYZ038 (from V18 to V27).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V13 to V16).
Upgraded BYZ025 (from V07 to V08).
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
byz$180_version.asp (changed file)
byz_cst_fun_inc.asp (changed file)
03 23-SEP-2013 Changed the function that generates the view-orders admin screens query as it wasnt previously compatible with all database types.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
byz$180_version.asp (changed file)
byz_cst_fun_inc.asp (changed file)