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Category Menu Generator for VPASP - BYZ181

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Generate category fly-out menus from admin, using your category data, so that your customer-side pages load instantly even when the full category tree is being shown as a fly-out and you have a large category tree, using an easy-to-tweak css file for the colors/fonts etc, and....NO JAVASCRIPT NEEDED/USED!

Category Menu Generator for VPASP - BYZ181
Latest version:03/09-OCT-2014
From vendor:Big Yellow Zone
For Terms and Conditions, click here
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support until you have read and agree with
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Compatibility, Bundling, and Status Notes:
Compatible with VPASP V4.5 to V7.
Before installing, you must have installed:
BYZ162 (only needed for VPASP V7 or above)

This product includes:

(click on a link below to see the corresponding demo/sample)
Demo System On our demo site we're using the default "purple" stylesheet for the BYZ181 category fly-out menu on the left panel.

When you have a large category structure, standard/default category fly-out menus on the left panel are a huge overhead as every load of every page by every visitor queries the entire category structure from the database. This hammers the server and causes massive memory problems.

So, rather than trying to work out the entire category tree every time someone loads a page, this addon instead just loads a generated menu file; hence immediate page-load speed, a massive reduction in server problems, and a much nicer fly-out menu style-wise which is immensely easy to tweak because it's css-driven.

To generate your category menu file, all you need to do is visit the "Category Menu Generator" admin screen that's part of this addon in your vpasp admin menu, and press a [GO!] button.

Configurable Options Include:
  • Show Product Counts on/off
  • Optional Additional Where Clause (allows you to exclude certain categories, even if they're not flagged as hidden, from the category menu)
  • Maximum Category Levels to Display
  • Alternative Title Text (allows you to set a category column other than catdescription for the text in the menu)
  • Multiple Languages (deals with either multiple language "translate" structure, or per-product/category languages structure)
  • Static Category URLs on/off (if you're using BYZ164, then you just need to set the option in your BYZ181 config file to get the menu to use your static category URLs as the links)
  • Easy-to-tweak colors/fonts (a very simple css file allows you to easily experiment with different color combinations etc)
  • Comes with 4 different sample stylesheets (css files) so that you can try different styles/colors as a base by using the supplied samples to help get you started.
  • Easy to change HTML - the html format that the menu uses to generate the menu file is split-out into a separate, easy to change file so that you can easily change it to use your own html (eg if a designer has given you sample code, you can easily change BYZ181 to use your designer's html format/logic).

Technical/Developer Information:
Massively reduces server overhead and memory
Normally, on every load of every page by every visitor, the entire category structure/tree is queried, and this is a huge overhead for the server and memory, but with the generated menu there's no processing involved at all on the customer-side as it simply loads the generated menu file straight to the browser with no look ups needed on the database etc.

CSS Driven
No javascript is used for it at all. It's pure css.

Easy to change
The css file is very easy to change; it's a very simple css file, and it's easy to tweak it to use different colors, fonts, effects etc.

Sample Output:
Here is a list of the provided sample styles that you can try or which you can use as your own "base".
Click on the image to view the larger version of that image:

Style 1 (Default Style) :

Style 2 (Green and Fire Style) :

Style 3 (Green Mimic Push Buttons Style) :

Style 4 (Blue Compact Style) :

Terms and Conditions:
For terms, conditions, and licensing information for all BigYellowZone products/services, please click here.
Please do not purchase any BigYellowZone products/services or request technical support until you have read and agree with the terms and conditions.

Full Version History:
VerNo Version Date Release Notes
01 27-DEC-2012 Initial version - Big Yellow Zone Category Menu Generator For VPASP
02 07-APR-2013 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V22 to V23).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V15 to V16).
Added extra config options to allow the menu to use an alternative categories column for the menu text.
Added extra config option so that you can optionally display categories down to a maximum specified level.
Added compatibility for multiple-languages.
Added fix for BYZ164 (static category pages) compatibility where the links werent using the corresponding product-list or sub-category list option in some instances.
Added an extra z-index to the stylesheet to make sure that the sub-menu popups dont get hidden underneath other elements.
Renamed the stylesheet file to force browsers to pickup the new version instead of cached older version.
Added another example to the where clause config option.
Moved the html-construction of the menu generation from the main admin file into a separate config file so that its easier to change.
Created a new (blue compact) stylesheet sample file.
(for list of effected files, see the version history readme file that comes with the zip file)
03 09-OCT-2014 Upgraded BYZ038 (from V23 to V29).
Upgraded BYZ036 (from V16 to V17).
Changed the generation screen to use BYZ038 cursor functions where possible instead of the generic VPASP cursor functions which were causing problems.
Added config options and extra logic to deal with being able to put the generated menu files into a different folder.
Effected Files:
README* (changed files)
vpaspv4.5to5.5/byz$181_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv4.5to5.5/byz_cmg_$config.asp (changed file)
vpaspv4.5to5.5/byz_cmg_admin_generatemenu.asp (changed file)
vpaspv4.5to5.5/byz_cmg_global_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.0to6.5/byz$181_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.0to6.5/byz_cmg_$config.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.0to6.5/byz_cmg_admin_generatemenu.asp (changed file)
vpaspv6.0to6.5/byz_cmg_global_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz$181_version.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cmg_$config.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/byz_cmg_global_vars_inc.asp (changed file)
vpaspv7andabove/admin/byz_cmg_admin_generatemenu.asp (changed file)